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Accessibility at
Radiant Canada

Accessibility at Radiant Canada

Radiant is committed to providing a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive environment for all persons with disabilities in a way that is respectful of the dignity and independence of people with disabilities and in a manner which takes into account the person's disability and embodies the principles of integration and equal opportunity.

Accessibility Policies and Plans

If you would like more details about accessibility at Radiant, please view the following documents:

Feedback and Accessible Formats

Feedback regarding accessibility or requests for information in accessible formats or communication supports can be made in person, via telephone (1-800-663-6331), e-mail ( or in writing to Radiant Global Logistics (Canada) Inc., c/o Human Resources, 1280 Courtneypark Dr. E., Mississauga, ON L5T 1N6.

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